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Booking Information

To be considered for a booking at Austin Acoustical Cafe, here's what to do. Please keep in mind that we book about 6 months out for headlining acts, openers at least 4 months out, and we are mainly interested in original contemporary and traditional folk styles. 

If you are known to us, let us know what date range you are inquiring about. Our rotation period is 18 months. Email us using the "Booking Inquiries" button at the bottom of this page.


If you are new to us, send a bio (no photo required) and a recording. If you are interested in a specific date, let us know that. ALWAYS include a mailing address. Your material will be reviewed by the booking committee.

Please do not ask us to visit your web site for recordings and information and don't send us a Sonic Bid kit. We will not respond to either of those requests.

Send your pack to:

Austin Acoustical Cafe 
Attn: David Crabb

c/o Alamo Recreation Center

2100 Alamo Street

Austin Texas 78722


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©2018-2022  Austin Acoustical Cafe

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