Musicians are the healers of society. If they are doing their job they touch a place in the heart and mind that calms, inspires, excites, encourages, connects, and heals.
I believe live performances have the most healing effect, as both the listener and myself connect through a delicate balance of vulnerability and tenacity during the performance, and gratification at the conclusion, that creates a oneness that is hard to explain. Each performance is a one of a kind, and hopefully memorable experience sharing the symbiosis between myself and the audience made unique by the venue and the differences in
my delivery from one show to the next. And watching a live performance enhances the enjoyment. Listening to a recording never gives the same degree of healing. The “liveness” is simply not there.
I prefer the story type of song that paints pictures and makes a healing connection as the listener relates to setting, character and story. Feeling the dilemma and resolution are all ways we heal through empathy, sympathy, pathos, and sometimes humor.
We need and crave music in our lives, and each time we experience a live performance we should feel the medicine coursing through our souls. What a dull and unhealthy life it would be if you removed the soundtrack from our movie.
-- George Ensle